Browse Books

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning

Machine Learning is the study of data-driven methods capable of mimicking, understanding and aiding human and biological information processing tasks. In this pursuit, many related issues arise such as how to compress data, interpret and process it. Often these methods are not necessarily directed to mimicking directly human processing but rather to enhance it, such […]

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A First Encounter with Machine Learning

Machine learning is a relatively recent discipline that emerged from the general field of artificial intelligence only quite recently. To build intelligent machines researchers realized that these machines should learn from and adapt to their environment. It is simply too costly and impractical to design intelligent systems by first gathering all the expert knowledge ourselves […]

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A Course in Machine Learning

Machine learning is the study of algorithms that learn from data and experience. It is applied in a vast variety of application areas, from medicine to advertising, from military to pedestrian. Any area in which you need to make sense of data is a potential consumer of machine learning. CIML is a set of introductory […]

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The LION Way: Machine Learning plus Intelligent Optimization

Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION) is the combination of learning from data and optimization applied to solve complex and dynamic problems. The LION way is about increasing the automation level and connecting data directly to decisions and actions. Almost by definition, optimization, the automated search for improving solutions, is a source of a tremendous power […]

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Comparative Breeding Behavior of Ammospiza Caudacuta and A. Maritima

Taxonomically the Genus Ammospiza has received the attention of ornithologists for more than a century. Nevertheless, the behavior of no species of the genus has been studied extensively. The papers of Montagna and Tomkins are the only works that mention behavior and natural history in any detail. There has been an increasing awareness of the […]

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Comments on the Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of Some North American Rodents

Comments on the Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of Some North American Rodents In preparing maps showing the geographic distribution of North American mammals we have found in the literature conflicting statements concerning the subspecific identity of several rodents. Wherever possible, we have examined the pertinent specimens. Results of our examination are given below. Our studies […]

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Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae

Comments on the Taxonomic Status of Apodemus peninsulae, with Description of a New Subspecies from North China In the past several years the United States National Museum has received a large number of mammals from central and southern Korea through the auspices of the Commission on Hemorrhagic Fever of the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. Among […]

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The Baculum in the Chipmunks of Western North America

The baculum is the bony part of the penis. In the species of the subgenus Neotamias the proximal part of the baculum is termed the shaft, and the distal upturned part is termed the tip. On the dorsal side of the tip there is a longitudinal ridge termed the keel. The proximal end of the […]

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Aspects of Reproduction and Development in the Prairie Vole

Aspects of Reproduction and Development in the Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster) The prairie vole is by far the most abundant mammal on the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation and on grassland areas throughout northeastern Kansas. This vole therefore affects the vegetation, perhaps more than any other native vertebrate, and it is an important food […]

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X-15 Research Results

In a period of a little more than sixty years since the first flight of the Wright Brothers, man’s exploration of three-dimensional space above the surface of the Earth has extended beyond the atmosphere. Spectacular and exciting events in this dramatic quest have been well publicized. Behind these milestones of practical flight have been less […]

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