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Unmanned Space Project Management

Unmanned Space Project Management: Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter One of the valuable by-products of the U S. space program is the body of knowledge concerning management of large complex development project activities. The brief span of years since the formation of NASA has witnessed the rapid evolution of a variety of systems and techniques for […]

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NASA 50th Anniversary

NASA 50th Anniversary Proceedings. NASA’s First 50 Years: Historical Perspectives On 29 July 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which became operational on 1 October of that year. Over the next 50 years, NASA achieved a set of spectacular feats, ranging […]

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Cosmos and Culture – Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context

Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context Integrating concepts from philosophical, anthropological, and astrobiological disciplines, Cosmos and Culture begins to explore the interdisciplinary questions of cosmic evolution.

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Psychology of Space Exploration

This e-book explores some of the contributions of psychology to yesterday’s great space race, today’s orbiter and International Space Station missions, and tomorrow’s journeys beyond Earth’s orbit. Early missions into space were typically brief, and crews were small, often drawn from a single nation. As an intensely competitive space race has given way to international […]

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When Biospheres Collide

When Biospheres Collide: A History of NASA’s Planetary Protection Programs Each time a space vehicle visits another world it runs the risk of forever changing that extraterrestrial environment. We are surrounded on Earth by a mélange of different microorganisms, and if some of these hitchhike onboard a space mission, they could contaminate and start colonies […]

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Rockets and People Vol 1

Rockets and People, Volume 1 Much has been written in the West on the history of the Soviet space program but few Westerners have read direct first-hand accounts of the men and women who were behind the many Russian accomplishments in exploring space. The memoirs of Academician Boris Chertok, translated from the original Russian, fills […]

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Rockets and People Vol 2 – Creating a Rocket Industry

Rockets and People, Volume 2: Creating a Rocket Industry Much has been written in the West on the history of the Soviet space program but few Westerners have read direct first-hand accounts of the men and women who were behind the many Russian accomplishments in exploring space. The memoirs of Academician Boris Chertok, translated from […]

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Rockets and People Vol 3 – The Moon Race

Rockets and People, Volume 3: Hot Days of the Cold War In this third volume of a planned four-volume set of memoirs, the famous Russian spacecraft designer Boris Chertok, who worked under the legendary Sergey Korolev, continues his fascinating narrative on the early history of the Soviet space program, from 1961 to 1967, arguably the […]

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Rockets and People Vol 4 – The Moon Race

Rockets and People, Volume 4: The Moon Race In this last volume of his four-volume set of memoirs, the famous Russian spacecraft designer Boris Chertok, who worked under the legendary Sergey Korolev, continues his fascinating narrative on the history of the Soviet space program, this time covering 1968 to 1974, the peak years of the […]

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Celebrating 30 Years of the Space Shuttle Program

The Space Shuttle fleet set high marks of achievement and endurance through 30 years of missions, from its first, when STS-1 launched on April 12, 1981, to its last, when STS-135 landed on July 21, 2011. Beginning with the orbiter Columbia and continuing with Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s […]

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