Browse Anderson; Sydney
Neotropical Bats from Northern Mexico
Tropical fruit-eating bats of the genus _Artibeus_ reach their northern limits on the lowlands of the eastern and western coasts of México. Recent students have placed the species of Mexican _Artibeus_ in two groups; one includes bats of small size and one includes bats of large size (Dalquest, 1953:61; Lukens and Davis, 1957:6; and Davis, […]
Author: Anderson; Sydney Language: English Genre: Mammal32 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Extensions of Known Ranges of Mexican Bats
Incidental to studies of speciation of North American mammals, made possible by assistance from the National Science Foundation and the Kansas University Endowment Association, a number of bats have been taken beyond the limits of their previously known geographic ranges. Pending the completion of more detailed faunal accounts, these notes are published so that the […]
Author: Anderson; Sydney Language: English Genre: Mammal29 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park
A person standing on the North Rim of the Mesa Verde in southwestern Colorado sees a vast green plain sloping away to the south. The plain drops 2000 feet in ten miles. On a clear evening, before the sun reaches the horizon, the rays of the sun are reflected from great sandstone cliffs forming the […]
Author: Anderson; Sydney Language: English Genre: Animal, Mammal352 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Mammals of the Grand Mesa
The Grand Mesa of Colorado is a westward extension of the mountains of central Colorado, standing more than five thousand feet above the valleys of the Colorado and the Gunnison rivers. To certain montane mammals the mesa is a peninsula of cool, moist, forest surrounded by inhospitable, hot, dry, barren lowland. Few mammals previously have […]
Author: Anderson; Sydney Language: English Genre: Animal, Mammal122 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It