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Programming Windows Phone 7
A reboot is what Microsoft has initiated with its new approach to the mobile phone market. With its clean look, striking fonts, and new organizational paradigms, Microsoft Windows Phone 7 not only represents a break with the Windows Mobile past but also differentiates itself from other smartphones currently in the market. Windows Phone 7 devices […]
Author: Petzold;Charles Language: English Genre: Programming13,0 MB ↓Download, ↑Link ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Moving to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, […]
Author: Haines;Ken, Paré;Pascal, Pelland;Patrice Language: English Genre: Programming18,2 MB ↓Download, ↑Link ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 is to point out both the new and the improved in the latest version of SQL Server. Because this version is Release 2 (R2) of SQL Server 2008, you might think the changes are relatively minor—more than a service pack, but not enough to justify an entirely new version. […]
Author: Misner;Stacia, Mistry;Ross Language: English Genre: Database, Programming7,74 MB ↓Download, ↑Link ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 explores the exciting enhancements and new capabilities engineered into SQL Server, ranging from improvements in operation to those in reporting and management.
Author: Misner;Stacia, Mistry;Ross Language: English Genre: Database, Programming10,7 MB ↓Download, ↑Link ↑Convert ♥Buy It