Browse Baker; Rollin H.
A New Long-eared Myotis From Northeastern Mexico
Long-eared bats obtained by field parties from the University of Kansas in the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas, are found to belong to the species, _Myotis evotis_, but are not referable to any named subspecies. They are named and described as follows: #Myotis evotis auriculus# new subspecies Type._–Female, adult, skin and skull; […]
Author: Baker; Rollin H., Stains; J. Language: English Genre: Mammal28 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
A New Bat (Genus Pipistrellus) from Northeastern Mexico
The eastern pipistrelle, _Pipistrellus subflavus_ (Cuvier) in the western part of its range, occurs along the Río Grande and its tributaries as far west as northern Coahuila and Val Verde County, Texas. Specimens from those places represent a heretofore undescribed subspecies which may be named and described as follows: #Pipistrellus subflavus clarus new subspecies# _Type._–Female, […]
Author: Baker; Rollin H. Language: English Genre: Mammal28 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Mammals taken Along the Alaska Highway
Mammals from along the Alaska Highway were obtained for the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History in the summers of 1947 and 1948 by Mr. J. R. Alcorn, field representative of the Museum. He and his family visited Alberta, British Columbia, the Yukon Territory and Alaska in an automobile and trailer from June 9, […]
Author: Baker; Rollin H. Language: English Genre: Animal, Mammal110 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Mammals from Tamaulipas
Forming the northeastern border of Mexico, Tamaulipas extends in an elongated, north-south direction from the Temperate into the Torrid Zone and contains faunal elements from both the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. The mammals are less known than those from some of the bordering states; for the most part collecting has been limited to a few […]
Author: Baker; Rollin H. Language: English Genre: Animal, Mammal36 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
Mammals from Southeastern Alaska
The University of Kansas Museum of Natural History received from J. R. Alcorn and Albert A. Alcorn a sizable collection of mammals taken in the summer of 1951 in Alaska. In addition to visiting localities at which they had collected in 1947 and 1948 (see Baker, Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 5:87-117, 1951) the […]
Author: Baker; Rollin H., Findley; James S. Language: English Genre: Animal, Mammal29 kB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It