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Game Birds and Game Fishes of the Pacific Coast
Laws recently enacted by most of the states for the better protection of the game, imposing a nominal license for the privilege of hunting it, have enabled us to take a census, as it were, of that vast number of the American people who enjoy the health-giving sports of the field. This census reveals the […]
Author: Payne; Harry Thom Language: English Genre: Birds, Fishes8.2 MB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It
In Africa Hunting Adventures in the Big Game Country
This collection of African stories has no pretentious purpose. It is merely the record of a most delightful hunting trip into those fascinating regions along the Equator, where one may still have “thrilling adventures” and live in a story-book atmosphere, where the “roar of the lion” and the “crack of the rifle” are part of […]
Author: McCutcheon; John T Language: English Genre: Fauna3.2 MB ↓Download ↑Convert ♥Buy It